
My name is Ray Williams, the BugManofBoone. For many years I’ve had a passion for exploring the lives of insects, which developed over time as both an educator at Appalachian State University in Boone, NC and through presentations to children about really cool insects. Known to most as bugs, the earth's most numerous and biologically diverse animals lead incredible lives and provide great real-world nature stories.

Through research and my great personal interest in discovering and writing about bugs, as BugManofBoone I communicate my passion for them and allow you to see how incredibly neat they really are. 


Blister Beetle

“The question is not what you look at but what you see”

Henry David Thoreux

This quote from Thoreau may apply to many things but it encapsulates my approach to the world of bugs. While many view them as creepy and even dangerous, a closer look reveals what amazing lives many of them have. In investigating how insects live, what they do, and how important they are to our planet, I am constantly amazed by what I find. Over my 25 years as an award winning teacher my goal in the classroom was to instill interest, fascination, and curiosity in my students. Writing about neat bugs continues my journey as an educator and I am very excited to communicate the lives of bugs to others. Also it is important that though complicated, the lives of insects can be presented to non-scientists and allow anyone who wants to know more to investigate on their own.

Milkweed Bug

Below you will see bug stories and resources for learning more. Come explore the lives of bugs with me and let me hear about your experiences and your stories. Together we’ll develop a greater appreciation of earth's most fascinating animals.


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